JAST Videos

In this page one can find the videos related to the paper:

Integrating verbal and nonverbal communication in a dynamic neural field

architecture for human-robot interaction


Authors: Estela Bicho, Luís Louro, Wolfram Erlhagen


To appear in Frontiers in Neurorobotics.


(Please copy and paste each link to your browser address bar instead of clicking directly!)


·      The robot has first to infer what toy object the human partner intends to build (i.e. the user’s Intention),

subsequently the team constructs the target object (see also Figure 1):



        Video: http://dei-s1.dei.uminho.pt/pessoas/estela/Videos/JAST/Neurorobotics/Subject_101_trial4.mpg


·      Figure 4: First example shows: (1) goal inference when gesture and speech contain incongruent information, and (2) anticipatory action selection:


       Video:  http://dei-s1.dei.uminho.pt/pessoas/estela/Videos/JAST/Neurorobotics/Video_7_ Rui_27_09_2009.mpg



·      Figure 5: Second example shows: faster goal inference and speeded decision making due to congruent information from gesture and speech:


        Video: http://dei-s1.dei.uminho.pt/pessoas/estela/Videos/JAST/Neurorobotics/Video_8_Toni_ 27_09_2009.mpg



·      Figure 7: Error detection and correction

       ArosTiago_error_correction_S5.bmp    ArosTiago_error_correction_S6.bmp

      Video: http://dei-s1.dei.uminho.pt/pessoas/estela/Videos/JAST/Neurorobotics/Video_9_Tiago_26_09_2009.mpg