Departamento de Electrónica Industrial 


Capsule camera is a first-line tool in the detection of abnormalities of the small bowel. Worldwide many patients have experienced the advantages of painless and effective use of the Capsule Endoscopy. This system has already been utilized to diagnose diseases of the small intestine including Crohn's Disease, Celiac disease and other malabsorption disorders, benign and malignant tumors of the small intestine, vascular disorders and medication related small bowel injury.At University of Minho we have the PillCam™ Capsule Endoscopy system of Given Imaging and we are investigating by optical detection of malignant tumors of the small intestine, improvement of the analysis of the medical imaging (a raw of 8 hours of images) and building the future capsule camera with a controlled locomotion system and to add new functions (biopsy, local therapy etc.). The capsule is 11 mm x 26 mm and weighs less than 4 grams (see figure):

Videos: Movie_Given_Imaging

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